Human attraction to art can be interpreted in different ways. One can approach this subject from the religious point of view or from the scientific one, however, there is no doubt that numerous and diverse activities in the childhood and throughout the whole life contribute not only to the specific knowledge and skills formation in a particular field, but also help to develop the interdisciplinary abilities that can be useful in other domains, such as logical thinking (mathematics, spatial perspective in graphics, working with computer programs), sense of harmony (coming up with complex compositions, developing of a color scheme of a painting, working with patterns and various kinds of design, dancing), memory (learning languages and new concepts in any field), imaginative thinking (dancing, illustration, animation, programming) and so on. In general, knowledge and skills in different fields are not summed up, but multiplied. Skills in any far from professional fields expand the capabilities of a person in his direct activities and increase the depth of his wisdom.
European painting as we know it has originated in the period of Antiquity. The foundations of spatial perspective and chiaroscuro constructions arose during that time, generated by the desire to depict three-dimensional objects on a plane. Painting evolved from the flat religious images of the Middle Ages, through the genre-rich and realistic paintings of the Renaissance, to Impressionism and abstractionism of the XXth century.
The means of painting are also undergoing changes: along with classical oils, watercolors and tempera, there appeared acrylic, sprayed paints, as well as additional means that facilitate the artist work.
Our Art course is based on a realistic style using watercolors, gouache, as well as acrylic and oil for older students.
Our Art Course accepts students from 4 - 5 years old. The upper age limit is not defined.
As the most ancient form of fine art, graphics is found already in the Paleolithic era. With the passage of time and the raising of book publishing graphics went beyond calligraphy, finding a continuation in illustrations, and then beyond printed products, being defined nowadays as arts based on drawing. There are engraving, lithography, print, calligraphy, font art, poster art and others. Color may be presented in graphics, but it plays an auxiliary role.
Pencil, ink, pastel, charcoal, watercolor, gouache, paints on fabric are often used for graphic works. In our Graphics Course we will use all these means, except pastels and charcoal, get acquainted with the principles of spatial perspective construction, the concepts of light, shadow, glare and reflex, etc.
Our Art Course accepts students from full 7 years old. The upper age limit is not defined.
Basics of Digital Design and Animation
The beginning of animation may be dated 1877, when Emile Renault patented an apparatus that allowed moving images projection onto the surface. In 1892, the inventor showed the public a series of 3 animated films. In the same year, the first shot-on-film cartoon was released. The heroes of it were wooden dolls. From 1906 to 1909, a puppet and hand-drawn animations dedicated to ballet were created in Russian Empire. In 1908, a French cartoon that had a plot and a main character was released. In 1914, keyframe animation had been used for the first time in America. At about the same time, the method of redrawing (redrawing characters and scenery from a film) was invented. In the 1960s – 1970s, the first computer program for creating graphics and in 1968, the first company dealing with computer graphics appeared.
In 1984, the era of computer graphics began, two extreme directions being the complete realism and the absolute stylization. Currently, computer animation can be created using a large number of programs: e.g., Blender, Cinema 4D, RedShift, Autodesk Maya, 3Ds Max, etc.
In our Animation Course, we will use Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe After Effects, create and use vector (Corel Draw) and raster (Adobe Photoshop) graphics, as well as photos.
Children from 14 years old and older are accepted as students.
The destiny of the English language is closely connected with the development and triumph of the British Navy.
The first mention of the fleet of England dates back to the VI – VII centuries AD. By the middle of the XIV th century, the fleet consisted of about 700 ships. At the end of the XV century, cannons began to be installed on ships. In the XVI th century the first reform of the fleet took place, and at the end of the XVI th century Elizabeth I made it the main striking force of England. Big part of the land was under the rule of the British crown. The English language has spread to many distant parts of the globe. Although the colonized countries later gained independence, the English language remained there being rooted in the sphere of trade.
At the beginning of the XX th century, English became a unifying power for immigrants coming to the USA: first, as the official language of documents, and then as the language of everyday exchange and trade.
Learning English creates additional opportunities for a person in trade, education and travel. By the way it’s quite easy to learn.
We will get acquainted with the basics of English in parallel with the study of art, graphics and animation. By the end of our course, students will know a certain set of English words, as well as have an idea of the structure of the English sentence.