English Classes
English in our course is studied in parallel with three main directions of the study. The method of memorization is based on the formation of stable associative links with images in the process of drawing.
We will learn the groups of words related to:
Everyday life: dishes (plate, cup, jug, teapot, spoon, fork, knife, etc.), furniture (chair, table, sofa, window, lamp, curtain, carpet, etc.), clothes (dress, trousers, shoes, scarf, coat, skirt, t-shirt, etc.)
Nature: animals (cat, dog, hare, fish, horse, bee, ant, etc.), plants (peony, iris, orchid, reed, palm, birch, maple, etc.)
Drawing (brush, pencil, pen, paper, drawing, frame)
Action verbs (go, talk, draw, paint, sing, rest, work, etc.)
Description (beautiful, smooth, curved, high, low, thick, thin, light, dark, etc.)
We will get acquainted with the structure of English sentences and learn a number of frequently used phrases.
The courses are directed by Geliya Sudzilovskaya.
Age, place and time: