Basics of Digital Design and Animation
Animation is the creation of an illusion of moving images using frames that quickly replace each other. Animation can be drawn frame-by-frame, use puppets, modeling clay, computer animation. The expressive means of this art are signs, symbols, metaphors, grotesque, contrast, light and color, tempo and rhythm.
In our course we will work with computer-based joint animation, in some cases using frame-by-frame hand-drawn animation. We will learn how to prepare support materials for it, develop a plot, and apply simple special effects.
The work on each animated video will consist of the following parts: plot finding, plot elaboration, storyboard, background preparation, character preparation, transfer of objects to a computer program, timing, animation itself, adding effects, rendering, and preparation for publication.
Number of classes: twice a week, each lesson lasts about two hours, depending on age.
Children from the full age of 13 are accepted as students. There is no upper age limit.
The program is designed for three months. It is possible to take an accelerated one month course.
The course is directed by Geliya Sudzilovskaya.
Age, place and time: